27th July 2024

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Supporting Local Councils in Leicestershire & Rutland

Please complete the following form to provide/update your contact details as Chairman/Mayor.

In certain circumstances we need your express consent to process this information. As such please confirm your consent by ticking the boxes below. Please note that you can grant consent to any or all of the purposes listed.

You can find out more about how we use your data from our “Privacy Notice” which is available from our website here: https://www.leicestershireandrutlandalc.gov.uk/privacy-policy.html

Please note that you can withdraw or change your consent at any time by contacting the office at admin@leicestershireandrutlandalc.gov.uk

* Required Field

Chairman/Mayor contact details

Statement 1 - I allow LRALC to hold and store personal data digitally and on paper for up to 7 years. I approve of secure destruction methods to be used after that date

Statement 2 - I allow LRALC to contact me by post/ telephone/email for the purpose of relevant communications, newsletters and advice

Statement 3 - I allow LRALC to use my personal details to provide Leicestershire County Council with up-to-date contact details for all local councils for the purpose of relevant communications, newsletters and advice

Statement 4 - I allow LRALC to use my personal details to display up-to-date contact details for the council on the LRALC website

Last updated: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 09:30