22nd October 2024

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Supporting Local Councils in Leicestershire & Rutland

Report Writing for Local Councils

Course tutor: Jake Atkinson, Chief Executive, LRALC

Course outline:

This is a new course designed for both clerks and councillors. The tabling of written reports to accompany agenda items is an increasingly common method of ensuring that councillors not only take fully informed decisions, but also that there is an audit trail showing that they have acted properly when taking such decisions. Reports also provide a snapshot of the council's thinking at the time that proposals were considered and are also a useful tool for considering confidential matters properly.

The course will allow those tasked with writing such reports to do so effectively, and will cover:

  • Types of reports
  • Benefits of using written reports in decision making
  • Who should write reports?
  • What should be included?
  • How to structure a council report
  • And more…………


£40 per delegate (member rate)

£115 per delegate (non-member rate)

Venue: Online


Thursday 15th February 2024 10.00am - 12.00pm ONLINE

Wednesday 16th October 2024 10.00am - 12.00pm ONLINE

Last updated: Thu, 07 Dec 2023 13:19