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Supporting Local Councils in Leicestershire & Rutland

Data Protection for councils part 2: Accountability and lawfulness

Course tutor:

Breakthrough Communications are NALC's National Partner for advice, guidance and services on parish and town council communications and engagement, and Data Protection, GDPR and Freedom of Information. The experienced team at Breakthrough Communications understand what good communication and effective compliance look like. As a team of communications professionals, including councillors and clerks, Breakthrough Communications also has insight into the unique world of parish and town councils.


Part 1: Accountability and Lawfulness

Our second data protection session deep dives into how councils are required to demonstrate accountability with UK GDPR. We consider the different lawful bases for how councils process personal data and we how to get started with creating the different policies and documents required, including your Privacy Notice, Legitimate Interest and Data Protection Impact Assessments..


£35 per delegate (member rate)

£115 per delegate (non-member rate)


12th January 2024, 9.30am

12th February 2024, 9.30am

11th March 2024, 9.30am

15th April 2024, 9.30am

Last updated: Wed, 03 Jan 2024 14:04