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Supporting Local Councils in Leicestershire & Rutland

Council Powers

A local council is a statutory local authority in its own right, having a fairly wide variety of powers conferred by many statues. Although its powers are not as extensive as those of county and district councils, a local council should not be regarded as being subordinate to either of those tiers of local government. A local council, being at grass roots level, has an important role in the local government field, representing the community which it is elected to serve.

  • Provision and management of ALLOTMENTS
  • Development of the ARTS
  • Provision and management of public BATHS and WASH-HOUSES (including launderettes)
  • Provision and operation of BURIAL GROUNDS, cemeteries and crematoria
  • Provision and maintenance of BUS SHELTERS
  • Provision of BYELAWS relating to pleasure grounds, public walks, open spaces, baths, wash-houses, swimming pools
  • Matters relating to CHARITIES
  • Provision, maintenance and lighting of public CLOCKS
  • Maintenance of closed CHURCHYARDS
  • Provision, equipment and management of COMMUNITY CENTRES (including village halls)
  • Payment of expenses for attendance at CONFERENCES and courses
  • CONTRACTS for discharge of functions
  • Draining, cleansing and treatment of DITCHES and DRAINS (including ponds, pools, streams, gutters)
  • EMPLOYMENT of persons
  • Provision of ENTERTAINMENTS (eg theatres, concert halls, dance halls and maintenance of bands or orchestras
  • Erection of FLAGPOLES
  • Public FOOTPATHS and bridleways (including creation by agreement with landowner, repair and maintenance, erection of direction posts, erection of notices warning of local dangers, prosecution for unlawful ploughing of a path or failure to restore after ploughing)
  • HIGHWAYS: agreements for dedication of highway over land, planting of trees, shrubs, etc, and laying out grass verges in highway
  • Provision of INFORMATION on services
  • LAND: acquisition, appropriation and disposal; acceptance of gifts of property
  • LEGAL PROCEEDINGS: prosecution, defence and appearances, for promotion or protection of the interests of inhabitants
  • Provision of certain LIGHTING
  • Prosecutions for dropping LITTER in public places, FLY POSTING and GRAFFITI
  • Provision of LITTER BINS
  • Organisation of LOCAL LOTTERIES
  • Provision and maintenance of PARKING PLACES
  • Financial support for maintenance of local POSTAL and telephone facilities
  • Provision and maintenance of PUBLIC CONVENIENCES
  • Appearance at PUBLIC INQUIRIES
  • Contributions to MUSEUMS and art galleries
  • PUBLIC OFFICES: provision, use and letting for the parish
  • Provision of RECREATION including pleasure grounds, parks and public walks, playing fields, recreation centres, tennis courts, squash courts, boating, youth shelters
  • Provision and maintenance of roadside SEATS and SHELTERS
  • Making of STANDING ORDERS for regulation of proceedings and business as to contracts
  • Promotion of TOURISM
  • Maintenance, repair and protection of WAR MEMORIALS
  • Limited powers to provide WATER SUPPLY
  • Promotion of ENERGY SAVING MEASURES in their area

Last updated: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 13:05