27th July 2024

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Search Leicestershire & Rutland Association of Local Councils

Supporting Local Councils in Leicestershire & Rutland

Management of closed churchyards and memorial safety

Course tutor

This course is led by Alan Fairchild MBE, FSLCC Cemetery Management Trainer for the Society of Local Council Clerks and several NALC County Associations. Alan is also a member of the Ministry of Justice Burial & Cremation Advisory Group and former Board Member of the British Register of Accredited Memorial Masons (BRAMM)

Who is the course for?

This 2 hour webinar is aimed at parish and town clerks and councillors who have statutory responsibility for closed churchyards and parish churchyards with diminishing new burial capacity. It may also be of benefit to full and part-time cemetery staff of burial authorities.

Course aims

To provide an understanding of the legal, administrative and financial duties of parish and town councils responsible for the care and maintenance of closed churchyards. It will review the closure procedure and powers of parochial church councils under the Local Government Act 1972, the options open to local councils to accept maintenance responsibility, "special expense" powers of district councils in respect of closed churchyards and Diocesan faculty jurisdiction in regulating standards and authorising works.

Course outline

  • Closing Church of England churchyards
  • Funding open churchyards – the legal "grey" area
  • Powers of parochial church councils
  • Notification and objections to closure
  • Continuation of burials in closed churchyards
  • Accepting maintenance responsibility – pros and cons
  • Faculty jurisdiction
  • Extent of repair and maintenance costs
  • Upkeep of memorials and safety testing


£40 per delegate (member rate)

£110 per delegate (non-member rate)


No dates available for 2024

Last updated: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 11:22