22nd October 2024

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Search Leicestershire & Rutland Association of Local Councils

Supporting Local Councils in Leicestershire & Rutland

Cemetery and Churchyard Management

Course tutor:

Alan Fairchild MBE, FSLCC Honorary Vice-President, Member of Ministry of Justice Burial and Cremation Advisory Group since 2001 and formally the British Register of Accredited Memorial Masons will cover the legal and administrative powers of local councils to manage civil cemeteries and maintain Church of England churchyards. With over 40 years' experience operating civil cemeteries Alan has been a National Advisor to the SLCC and regular contributor to The Clerk magazine.


This 2 hour webinar is designed for local council clerks, cemetery officers and councillors and covers the following:

  • burial law and record keeping
  • exclusive rights of burial and transfers
  • cemetery regulations, fees and charges including the Children's Funeral Fund for England
  • providing more burial space
  • closure and management of CofE churchyards
  • grave digging – alternative arrangements
  • memorial licensing, management & safety testing


£40 per delegate (member rate)

£110 per delegate (non-member rate)


Tuesday 4th June 2024, 10am-12pm, Zoom

Last updated: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 09:17