22nd October 2024

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Supporting Local Councils in Leicestershire & Rutland

New Learning & Development Session for Clerks - Cllr Induction

We have added a new session in response to demand, this time aimed at assisting clerks to put an effective and clear induction program in place for new councillors following the election. The session will provide resources, guidance, templates, and more.

Inducting Your New Councillors: The why, the how, the when, the what.

Course presenter: Jake Atkinson, LRALC CEO / John Kilcoyne, LRALC DCEO

Course outline: A comprehensive induction helps new councillors to settle in, to understand their role and expectations, to forge strong relationships with clerks and other officers, and to build competence and confidence in serving their community. However, in the parish sector a formal induction for new councillors is still relatively rare. This 90 minute session will help you plan and deliver a formal induction program for your new councillors, using existing and new resources produced by LRALC, NALC, and others. It will explain the many benefits of the initial investment of your time in offering such support to new councillors. It will also look at ongoing support for councillors following their initial induction, ensuring there is a culture of continuous learning and development.

Suitable for clerks (both new and long serving), and councils of every size.

Cost: £30 per delegate (member rate)

Date: Tuesday 2nd May 2023 at 6pm

Posted: Mon, 17 Apr 2023

Tags: Induction, Training