22nd October 2024

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Supporting Local Councils in Leicestershire & Rutland

"I don't need training because.............."

"I don't need training because.............."

As you'd expect, at LRALC we hear every reason why individual councillors don't need training.

Common excuses are:

1) I'm a doctor/solicitor/accountant/etc, so I don't need training

2) I've been a county/borough/district councillor for years

3) I haven't got time

4) I attended councillor training 10 years ago

5) The dog ate my homework

...and so on.

Without exception, those councillors that don't engage with training are at a disadvantage from those that do. Even the most experienced individuals need to engage with lifelong learning and development to remain knowledgeable and effective in their roles.

In addition, LRALC provides the best specialist training for parish and town councillors and councils in Leicestershire and Rutland, and further afield.

But then you would expect us to say all of the above, wouldn't you? So, see below for an email we received out of the blue last week from one of our very largest member councils, a council that has twin-hatted councillors on it. And no, we didn't pay them to say this...!

Following our Council meeting last night, members wished to express their thanks for the excellent Councillor Training session they attended last week.

From the round robin introductions at the start of the meeting, it was clear that many of our members are long serving. It was these members in particular who felt that it was one of the best sessions they had attended in many years. They all took away a good deal of information and found it very worthwhile and engaging throughout.

Our staff also enjoyed the session as it was great to sit in and be involved. Knowing first hand what training was delivered helps us to support our members alongside the support that LRALC provide.

All round, it was a great evening and thank you again. We would definitely consider holding in-house training in the future.

Posted: Mon, 10 Jul 2023

Tags: Training