22nd October 2024

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General Election and the Pre-Election (ex-Purdah) Period

The general election we all knew was coming at some point soon is now confirmed for 4th July 2024.

The pre-election period (which used to be known as "Purdah") has implications for parish and town councils, and the NALC briefing on the issue has been available on our website since February 2023 and can be found here.

The LGA also issued specific general election guidance today, here.

The Prime Minister has agreed that the pre-election period starts at 00.01hrs on Saturday 25 May. Pre-election period restrictions apply to all local authorities.

Local government sometimes views this period as a time when communications has to shut down completely. This is not the case, and the ordinary functions of councils can continue – such as factual information about elections – but some restrictions may be imposed by law.

We will look to issue plain English parish appropriate guidance to all member councils next week.

Posted: Fri, 24 May 2024

Tags: Election